Femininity is the river that leads to peace and success.
The greatest truths in life can be oh so simple.
More often then not these basic truths can get diluted and polluted so heavily we can no longer see their original form or purpose. Like a clear alpine stream rushing down a mountain later to be contaminated or cut off by the influence and byproducts of Man’s progress. By neglect or design, these clear waters have been transformed into toxic fluid void of ability to sustain or nurture life. The “leftovers” of progress have dumped their waste into the clear waters. Life sustaining influence has become the arsenic of death. Struggling to survive, our culture is in desperate need of the uncontaminated water of life. Femininities nurture is that clear water.
The Only Way to Peace and Success
If you want peace and success in your life- there is only ONE way. That is to act within your inherited nature. If you are a woman it is your feminine nature. Success in life will not come from “achieving ” great goals, reaching incredible heights of fame, becoming rich or powerful. These achievements will prove empty and void of lasting value if not products of the feminine nature. The overwhelming reality of a wasted life is all that will remain.
Peace and contentment will come when you consider the effects of your feminine nurture in those around you. These will be the anchors of peace and contentment. These will be where your mind rests with thoughts of joy. Pitiful it is for those who have poured the energy of their lives into dreams and goals that did not encompass their nurturing nature. They will need to fill their life with distractions, medications, anything avoid feeling the emptiness and void life has brought.
There are five streams that add influence and force into the river of femininity. When these streams, unabated, flow with sparkling pure water into the life of the woman she overflows with life giving influence everywhere she goes. It is this life giving influence that brings her ultimate peace and success. A job well done. Like river who brings life to all the vegetation and animal life in a serene valley.
- Safety/protection provided for her
- Time/no need to be ultimate provider
- Freedom/responsibility of covering
- Humility/pride
- Trust/fear
- Faith/unbelief
What are the two biggest causes for the complete abandonment of the feminine nature to nurture? Well we can start with pain and fear. At an early age feminine trust comes under a heavy attack, Trust is a component of femininity. It wants to trust a protector and provider of cover. Like an air force provided air cover for ground troops. Or the quarterback trusting his line for protection. It wants to trust the masculine nature to provide these things. Need I say more.
It is a rarity, to find a young woman who has not felt the traitorous knife to the heart from the masculine male. The pain of exchanging many of your precious possessions: ie, your trust, your purity, your devotion, in exchange for a cold slap of rejection and shame is a sad tragedy. It can lead to awful life altering conclusions such as: Is my trust in men a bad thing? Is the giving of my body no big deal? Is my devotion to another human wrong? Can I trust myself to accurately place my affections? Can I trust myself where to place them? Faulty conclusions are not the only danger. The materials fact of giving precious commodities and having them trampled is in itself a tragedy. The tragedy is the heart and the soul that are they need to recapture a state of purity.
As a member of the masculine gender….I want to pause….and say I am really sorry.
We have wronged you and committed and injustice. We treated your precious commodities with contempt. Although we are the inheritors of the masculine nature we did not represent that nature well. the key principles in that nature is to “protect and provide and be responsible”. All of which we failed to do. First of all we did not emotionally protect you. We hurt you at deep levels. We did not provide you with a atmosphere of safety for your gifts. we abandoned you instead. And finally we were not responsible bearers of the gifts you gave. For this I am sorry, and humble ask your forgiveness and plead with you to forgive your offenders, Not for their sakes but, for your own. If you choose or find your self unable to trust your femininity has become contaminated by fear.
Women deserve honor and respect. Why? Because they are bearers of the divine nature of femininity. Valued. The “nature” that dwells within you radiates value. Much higher than a night of pleasure for a boy or a man. I can’t even express with words how Priceless are a woman’s, trust, devotion, and virginity. These are all intensely pure elements of the feminine nature. These elements deserve care filled respectful handling. Yet they are the first things targeted and assaulted. When a stem of youth flowers into a blossoming woman. these essential components of femininity, sadly left unguarded by influential men, Are accurately “targeted” by dark forces (working through unmasculine males) that want to rid the earth of all that is truly feminine, having the power to express divine nurture of grace and love to this world.
Let’s just say as an analogy but there is one road that leads up a mountain sometimes it’s easy sometimes it’s Steep and difficult it requires diligent effort and a degree of caution put on top of this mountain is a castle and in the castle are vast Treasures of peace and happiness it is all but you were created for you are the princess whose mother was deceitfully kidnapped and taken prisoner to a foreign land you were born in this foreign land but you recognize within you there exists the nature of a princess this road or path that leads to the mountain castle is the path of femininity you started your ascent on a nice easy Road but like most young princesses they are quickly met my adversaries who want to knock them off the path or send them on a byway they do so by making it continued track on the path of femininity painful and filled with suffering they offer easy painless Solutions the only requirement is to get off the road of femininity agent of fear will quickly point out the mini who have suffered and died trying to get to the castle he will propose a very safe and protected Road with the only requirement of you guarding it yourself he will offer you resources for self-protection Shields walls barriers to encapsulate your heart he will recommend never to use your trust and instead offers the glasses of doubt and then there is the evil agent of pride who says you don’t need this difficult lonely path to the castle to find your dreams fulfilled but you can find peace and contentment bye using all of your talents and attributes on a much easier Road then traversing the mountain to the castle iOffer is filled with perks with encouragement with new dresses of Glory and with multitude cheering for you and honoring you this is the road you need to take this road however lendup in regret another villain named control look at the unpredictability of this path look at the unpredictability of the weather on top of the mountain look at the unpredictability of the pain and suffering you may have to endure come with me and let us control your environment your circumstances we will do this our own way and I promise you it will be easier flatten roads that are rough we can do it together I have managed these situations thousands of times and you have to step off the path of femininity to come with me but I promise you it will be easier for you to endure and much easier for your heart to manage it will not was the seat Polly kidnapped also as you continue your journey on this path some steep cliffs that are impossible for you on your own 2 scale you will recognize your need the companion and guide realized that you are not strong enough to ascend to these Heights alone he is there waiting for you but you must begin your journey fight through the castle with a determination to keep your feet on the path of femininity regardless of the pain and suffering it will get you there it will lead you right to your final guide of the pain and suffering of the pain and suffering he has walked the path before he knows it’s dangerous and he knows how to keep you on the path but indeed it is not for the faint of heart you must continually resist the calls of Pride fear control and make your way to the castle