Soaring on the Wings of Trust

  • Soaring on Wings of Trust


Femininity soars on wings of trust.

Femininity is the highest, purest, most impactful expression of a woman’s character.  This unlimited influence did not or could not find its origin from earth.  It comes from the heavens and in the heavens is where it dwells.  Femininity is not base or common, but noble and honorable.  It is not selfish, carnal or earthly.  Instead it is the highest order of life that a woman can embrace.  Like the regal eagle, whose stately flight rises her to impressive heavenly heights the woman who embraces her femininity will likewise soar to exceeding heights of graceful influence.

Strong and soft wings, are what empower the beautiful eagle to reach these heights.  Likewise a woman needs the soft but strong wings of trust in order to empower her femininity to freely express its noble beauty.  The eagles soaring is not a result of frantic wing flapping or maximum effort, it is a function of harmony with the currents of air that flow past her. A symphony of winds and response.  The eagle recognizes the currents and allows her wings to take her for a sacred ride.  Her job is to stretch out her wings and let her nature take over.  Majestic soaring is the result.  Every woman who listens close can here that still gentle voice of femininity calling her to trust and soar upon the winds of life.

Without her wings the eagle is reduced to a earth dwelling rodent that is an easy prey for most predators.  But with her wings she is a graceful noble beauty that inspires and represents true freedom. Her wings are her most valuable commodity.  They allows her to reach places no one else can go.  They bring her freedom.  Her very presence is an expression of freedom to all.  They allow her to be everything she was created to be.

In the same way Femininity without trust is a grounded hapless creature who can’t express who she really is.  Or have the effect and freedom she was meant to.  Reducing her influence and dominion to small and meager proportions.  Femininity has suffered and had her wings clipped by placing her trust in locations that are guaranteed to disappoint.  Not in stable or fixed anchors that neither winds or storms can move, but instead in fallible creatures who have let down and failure as part of who they are.  Femininity needs to anchor its ultimate trust in the immovable and unchangeable.

Trust is active.  It is not passive.  Trust is a verb.  It has action.  it means to actively put your faith in something or someone.  To rely upon someone or something.  It is opposite of distrust.

Ultimate vs Empowering Trust

Two types of trust that femininity Embraces there is the fixed and permanent Trust on the immovable and the temporary empowering Trust on masculine leadership. the first is on a rock that will never let her down II is upon another human who has the capacity to reward or disappoint her Trust. With her complete fixed Trust on the immovable allows her embrace the pain and disappointment when male leadership lets her down. But this does not stop her because she intelligently understands that her trust isn’t empowering agent to nurture the man’s masculinity. Trust is putting your faith in confidence in someone or something. That faith and confidence axe as a stimulant or fertilizing agent to masculinity. Even if the mail she puts her trust in betrays her or causes her pain she can rest in peace knowing that she did all she could to stimulate and Empower him toward success.

Three  Rocks to Place Ultimate Trust

  1.  Your creator or a high purpose.  If you believe in God. or even if you don’t, and only believe that what you have “evolved into os something special”  You can operate in one of two perspectives.  That either someone loves you or someone doesn’t.  or You will either have your focus on yourself or others.  To spend your life for others benefit or just your own.  That is it.  One of these perspectives will guide your life and behavior.  The good thing about believing in a creator who loves you is that deep down you know someone powerful ultimately “has your back.” or if you believe in principles like what goes around comes around. or it is better to give than to receive, or ….than you can embrace a perspective that to Trust this is your greatest good.  To embrace a God or principles of worth can be your guide.  I have found that when times get really tough and fires burn hot it is really nice to go with the ultimately someone has my back.
  2. Second areas where you can place a deep trust is your own feminine nature.  This nature is intelligent and smart and main goal is to nurture those within her circle of influence.  Not picking and choosing based on how you fell that day or based on how you are treated in return, but instead a giving focus to those around without counting wrongs or injustices or responsiveness.  No just selfless focused effort to give what you have to inspire and strengthen, and help, and empower the lives of other.  This is a solid rock in which to trust.  Your Feminine nature, which is the nature of the Divine.  It will guide you to be always giving with a sacrificial investment into the lives around her.  It is not self-focused, lazy, and judgmental.  whether she is treated well or
  3. The third area of trust is placed upon the masculine nature.  This natures design is to provide, protect, and lead the feminine to the greatest heights of usefulness and expression.  It releases the feminine to soar and not have to wrestle with the wilds of the land.  It’s the mountain where the eagle makes her nest.  Its the river that provides her with food and water.  The Eagle prizes a mountain nest, or a resourceful river.  She is the queen of the air,  the princess upon the heights.  There is freedom in her wings and what she enjoys the most is to soar upon the winds with her wings of trusts utilized.  The masculine nature is the perfect counterpart for femininity. It is what compliments femininity.  It is the other half of the whole.  But it does not always fully indwell in men.  And when it doesn’t reside within men what is left is the selfish boy/man nature that thinks only about himself and his own interest and pleasure.  When life become difficult this nature is often exposed.  It can hide under the blankets of expectation, ease, and duty for a long time but when the storms of trial and difficulty arrive and blow the covering off-  the result toddler or adolescent  boy /men are what you have left.  A little bit boy, a little bit man and a little bit masculine.  You can put your trust in the masculine but not in the boy/man nature.  That is undependable and will let you down every time.  All men have it.  And all need to grow out of it.  And they all need nurture to do it.  You can help them if you want.  Or you can help to sentence them for their crimes.  My suggestion….have mercy and nurture the masculine.

Where to place empowering Trust

Thfemininitiese temporary Trust that she places upon male leadership will be unrestricted towards her husband.eeds to have an unrestricted flow d the question that is immediately needs to be answered is what if this man is it complete Rogue a betrayer and abuser and one who is in Chain by self-interest well I would start by saying I don’t know if he could ever conform or be changed but I know that his only hope is 2 experience the divine nature of love and Trust through you. He knows very well he is undeserving of any one’s faith or trust and for you to offer this precious gift of your femininity speaks volumes of Love mercy and Grace. This is the very message that God would try to speak to us daily and you will participate in speaking that very message to him. To reach these great and pure Heights a feminine nature the woman needs to have a rock-solid active Trust in the immovable anchors of her soul to God himself to the life-giving power of her femininity and two the hope of one day soon the masculine it may require bringing to mind that God is just and he sits with Rewards for those who patiently suffer and divine disciplined for those for those who offer harm others what does this trust look like when it is on the temporary fallible male leadership? I believe you will do what’s best for us I believe you will take care of me I believe you will provide for us I believe you’ll be a good leader I am placing my hope and trust upon you to do this you may have failed me a hundred times in the past you may have been angry and hurt me today you may have broken my heart a dozen times hi chews to be still upon you the most precious gift of my femininity my trust that you can become someone greater I unreservedly shoes to give you this gift through pain and suffering that you caused me the Knights of tears and anguish I make this resolved to be purely feminine I will not allow  your oppressive Behavior  to enslave my femininity  period She Will Be Free  she will will run wild with abandon  her pain  and suffering  will be easy  by a loving and healing  creator she will run on the Heights  wind blowing through your hair  sun shining on her face  saying I have done it  I have been true to my nature  through the deepest darkest storm of life the impurities  have been burned out I have overcome I  have resisted the enslaving influence of Pride and fear .  Those slave masters  cannot chain my femininity I will continue to trust you until the day you die no matter what happens to me

The Carrot of Trust

Often I have heard it said of wives to husbands.  Well he needs to “earn” my trust.  And until he does I will close my heart to him!  (well you are a selfish judging little creature aren’t you)  living for your own happiness and not that of others.  Hmmm  that is interesting he has to earn the expression of your feminine nature?  If you predicate expressing your femininity on a fallible human’s behavior you have misplaced your trust.  You living and soaring on the wings of femininity is not a function of your husband’s behavior.  His actions should never control you flying in accord with your nature of design.

You need to love and nurture him and his masculinity no matter how he has failed you.  Your femininity is selfless.  It is not predicated on anyone’s ability to perform or shield you from pain.  although those are functions of masculinity.  But for some their only hope of having their masculinity “nurtured” into something strong and great lies in your hands.  You can gain a just revenge and cut off the flow of your warm love, giving, and nurture or you can stay in your nature and soar.

Something smells wrong there.  Seems like you are trying to control his behavior, based on some kind of merit system.  And you think you are the judge.  No that is not right.  How odd.  You hold yourself to earthly and common habitats because He has done something to betray your confidence or trust?

Oh but you don’t know the pain his actions are causing me to feel. His treatment of me and those who I really care about is awful!  OK you may be right.  However, my question for you is?   Why are you going to let his deplorable actions and weak character  make a lesser person out of you?  Why are you going to let his behavior rob you of the fruit of your femininity.  What an opportunity for the highest expression of love to manifest.  A golden opportunity for freely releasing the highest expression of the feminine nature….Mercy.  Has an injustice been occurring?  Has he hurt you?   Absolutely.  Has he caused pain? Absolutely.  Should he get justice? Absolutely.  should it come from you as his judge?  NO.  absolutely NOT.  Why? because for you to take earthly seat of judge and executioner you remove yourself from the throne of femininity.

Justice Will Be Served

 Justice will be served.  And it will be served hot and fresh if you keep out of it.  When your self-protective actions seek out vengeance and justice you have let go of femininity and mercy.  There will be a day when all those dark closets get their contents laid out on the floor and for examination.  Relax about that.  It will happen.  Justice is an attribute of nature itself.  Be patient.

 You can’t see the whole big picture.  There is a big picture and you can’t see it all.  Justice is part, But when you turn off your feminine nature and like an eagle who chooses to not fly anymore walks along the ground, your freedom is lost, your perspective is limited, and your influence is mitigated.   Don’t think your constricting your femininity in one location like to a husband won’t also constrict your nurture to your children.  It will.  It will pollute it. They will themselves adopt you’re proud and judgemental spirit they will look at life through a lens of self-protection as opposed to self giving the grace and nurture flows from you to them will be cut off your efforts May remain the same but the influence because now it does not flow from femininity but from a sense of Duty and sacrifice femininity from a wife axe like a ship’s sailboats keel The Kill  is  the deepest and strongest part of a sailboat  who’s design  is to keep the boat from toppling over during strong winds and storms. wind storms and strong winds blow it keeps the ship from toppling over even when there’s a complete failure of the husband and his masculine nature if a wife maintain her femininity there is a deep stabilization that occurs within the storm when a wife makes the Fateful decision to judge and execute sentence she removes the keel of femininity influence and her family can easily be capsized perhaps she can bring but the capsizing takes place in the hearts of the children

 Why Trust Fallible Men?

My first question is why are you putting your trust in imperfect fallible man?  A fallible, weak, self centered man.  He may be a loving husband.  A great guy.  Even a terrific boyfriend.  But your feminine nature needs to trust in immovable rocks.  Not undependable men.

When you choose marriage, or relationship, or you choose to trust or hope these men will carry out the duties of masculinity.  To protect and provide for you on certain levels.  Relationally, emotionally, companionship, security, etc….you are most likely placing a trust in them.   Just realize they are fallible-  very good chance or I can even guarantee they will fail your trust.  They will fail you at some level.  You will experience pain, maybe even the deepest pain brought on by outright betrayal.  So is what you are trusting them for is to not bring you pain?   Really.  That is an impossible human task if the relationship is close and there are those expectation that even if fully discussed can be difficult to meet at all times and leves.

Maybe your trust needs to be on something higher then no matter what happens, and what amount of opain comes you can stand solid and unbewildered and be strong in your giving and femininity.  And be the awesome beautiful woman you were created to be.and you Well let me tell you that is not going to happen.  they will bring you pain because your trust is on them and not on the other areas.

and very few if any can be this all levels.  d maybe   First of all, you have three much better options listed above.  Rather, you go and put your trust in a much worse option.  I question your intellectual capacities.  The common or earthly nature of man focusses on self benefit and pleasure.  And that is where you choose to put your trust and tie the utilization of your feminine nature?   Incredibly poor judgement.  As a matter of fact it reeks of a very selfish and me first approach to life something directly opposite of the feminine nature.

Trust and Love

For a long time I thought trust is an important ingredient in love. and indeed trust helps intimacy, but one even greater. Then trust…love insures intimacy.  You can create intimacy through love with the absence of trust in that person.  How?  Your trust is anchored to the immovables.  See Above.     if your trust is in another immovable object.  SEE above. If you have zero trust anywhere your femininity is not expressing itself. Guaranteed.  But it is pride and fear that choke femininity.  Fear blocks loving.  To be without fear you need to fix your trust on the immovable.

Fear of pain blocks giving and loving.  You can pour love out to someone and follow someone without trusting that person.  But if you fear that person you can never actively love that person.  Fear will block and choke your expressions of love into morsels of bread and water barely with the ability to sustain life.  Because we all have sliding scales of what is a breech in trust.  To one it is coming home late to another is is raising your voice to one it is physical abuse to another cheating, to another incest and on and on.  A sliding scale.

If you have fear that blocks love you have never experienced real love.  Love that is powerful.  Love that comes from above.  That teaches you that things are going to be okay even if they look like crap.  It is a deep heavenly love that allows you to soar above on your feminine wings from a higher perspective.  Even when you see a forst frie burning up your habitat you can look to the east and see clouds coming with compassionate reigns to restore and quench the flames and water new landscapes. Yes you can. Your trust and femininity can restore decimated landscapes!  I have seen it.  It works retroactively.   Because your trust is on no pain.

Trust brings intimacy but so does love.  Trust broken can end intimacy but loves existence holds on to intimacy through the pain.  If trust is your motivating force in your human relationships you will find yourself on a sad island.  If love is your motivating force friends will surround you.

Trust is perceptive.  Often you hear about “blind” faith.  However, femininity  realizes the location of her trust.  It is not blind but an intentional focus on “fixed” personalities or principles void of betrayal.  Her trust in the “fixed” allows her to execute the requirements of her nature with delightful abandon.  Therefore, she fixes her trust on the steadfastness  of her creator, her femininity and the masculine nature.  As a result none of these will betray her.  They cannot and will not  let her down.  Because, they all have her best interest in mind.  All will make her like the most beautiful and productive fulfilling life possible.


Trusts object is the highest good.  The greater good, the lesser of two evils.

Trust Embraces Pain

Trust embraces pain as part of the journey.  This life and relationships bring pain.  Pain is a part of relationship.  Especially in a relationship with impure and fallible humans whose character lacks growth or development.  However, pain when embraced properly is a refining and purifying effect on our own natures.  Consequently, Pain can take your femininity to heights never attained by those who have not participated in suffering.  Your perspective at these heights will be greater than everyone around you.  Understand this, compassion, kindness, mercy, supercharge your  nurture to levels you never thought possible.

At it is these very elements that change lives.  They inject themselves through you into others bring about healing and wholeness.  You will be a queen or princess of life to everyone who drinks of your influence.  It is worth it.  Though pain be intense and sometimes slow to leave, even bringing about desires for death itself.  This pain if patiently endured will change you into a radiant and life bringing woman.

Boundaries that limit everything,  Fences, walls, etc.  Keep out.  I have heard many people talk about the subject of having boundaries in their lives.  But when boundaries cause you to become self-protective focused as opposed to nurture focused they are wrong.  The very nature of “boundaries” if me first then others.  neither masculine or feminine.  But selfish.